October is filled with fun and opportunities to join our PTO community and volunteer for several amazing WES events!
Have you been wanting to get involved but aren’t’ sure how? The following two events desperately need volunteers in order to happen. Please consider joining a committee with a few friends and help us make this fall amazing! Previous committee chairs are available to consult with and the PTO will offer support and suggestions for all volunteers:
Family Dinner Night on Friday, 10/21
Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday 11/8
Don’t miss out on….
PTO Meeting on Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30pm in the library- childcare is available so please come and join the discussion!
SPIRIT WEAR SALE: Look out for order forms coming home in backpacks SOON! All orders due on October 21st (exact change and check only please!)
Our NEW Woodbrook T-shirts $10 each in all youth and adult sizes
Woodbrook Magnets $5 each
*NEW* this year: Pura Vida Bracelets with our school colors $10 each (with opportunities to gift them to our amazing WES staff!
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Interested in having your 2nd or 3rd grade girl join a new Woodbrook based Brownie Troop? Thanks to a generous anonymous gift, all girls who renew their membership or join Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline by September 30, 2022, will receive a FREE MEMBERSHIP for our next membership year (October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023) More info here >>> https://mailchi.mp/gsvsc/free-membership-2022
If interested in joining, please contact Elizabeth Barber at 540-470-7470
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Let’s kick off the school year right! Parents, guardians and caregivers, we NEED YOU to make our PTO amazing. Whether it’s your first year at Woodbrook or your last, join us for our first meeting of the new school year.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th at 6:30PM in the library!

Al Carbon fundraiser this Thursday, March 31! Show the flyer to earn money for our school!

Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-6) is fast approaching!
We need volunteers to get the ball rolling. Please email: [email protected] with interest!!
The Golden Apple Award is a means of selecting and honoring some of ACPS outstanding teachers. Teachers are most important in nurturing our children’s inquisitive minds and preparing them for the challenges of the future.One winner is selected from each school. In addition to receiving a Golden Apple, every Golden Apple recipient also will earn a grant of $500, which can be used for classroom materials.
Congratulations to Senora Soto for winning the 2022 Golden Apple award! 💙💛
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Woodbrook teachers and staff hosted the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Ceremony where a student from each grade level was recognized for exhibiting the qualities that we admire most in Dr. King. We are so proud of all of our recipients, and grateful for their leadership, kindness, and all that they bring to our school community.
2022 Winners
Bright Stars- Stephanie Mathews
Kindergarten- Rylan Winkey
1st Grade- Jaydan Johnson & Shokrolla Ahamdl
2nd Grade- Perla Arcos
3rd Grade- Mohammad Mojadidi
4th Grade- James Douglas
5th Grade- Shio Tohmi